IATA DAQCP & WINTER Operations Consulting
The IATA DAQCP (De-Icing/Anti-Icing Quality Control Pool) is an audit group with more than 130 member airlines dedicated to the quality and safety review of companies providing “Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing on the Ground” services. The pool had been found in 1997 and performs now around 800 audits annually around the globe.
The pool works with a self-developed checklist and software, which is based on the “ICAO/IATA Global De-Icing/Anti-Icing Standard”.
AeroTech Aviation offers following services:
- Pool Management (representation)
- Fluid Laboratory Analyzes
With our highly experienced staff, we can provide additionally winter operation consultation and training. We have trained more than 8.000 staff (all qualification categories) in the last 25 years, wrote the operational & training documentation for more than 50 companies and had been involved in official accident investigations.